Friday, December 28, 2007

The end of a Browser

If you were like me then Netscape was the browser of choice. No one wanted IE 4x. Then came along Firefox and the rest is history. I am little sad as Netscape was a browser I used frequently in the past. Oh well I guess this is just one more conquest for the machine called Microsoft.

PC World - AOL to End Support for Netscape Browser

Homer Quote

I saw this quote from Homer and had to post it. If you work in the Corporate World this has to make you laugh!

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Life become crazy

Life become very busy for me starting right after thanksgiving. I got a new job and some other stuff happening at home I will discuss down the road.

I hope everyone had a great Chanukah and Christmas! Please have a safe New Year. Don't be stupid and drink and drive. Even a little alcohol can cause a big problem. My new job details can be found over at Linkedin. In 2008 I am going to keep the Blog about personal opinions and thoughts. No business talk here. Hey and if you are feeling like giving to charity click on the google ad above. I made a total of $1.82 in 2007. Yea me!

Remember to make good decision!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Oh how Festive?

I heard on XM radio that on December 4th they will be lauching a 24 x 7 Chanukah channel. The question I need to ask is do we need a 24 x 7 Chanukah channel? Just because XM has 4 Christmas channels they really don't need a Chanukah channel. What songs can they play? Really how many Chanukah songs do you know? It is going to be 24 x 7 non stop of Dreidle Dreidle I made it out clay and when its dry and ready oh dreidle i will play......

Radio Hanukkah
Tue, 12/4 - Wed, 12/12XM 108 & XMRO (XM Radio Online) - 108
It's a celebration of the festival of lights as well as Jewish culture. Radio Hanukkah - XM 108 brings you the best mix of contemporary and traditional Jewish favorites as well as exclusive music shows, interviews, and the candle lighting every day in every time zone throughout America.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Sasha at Halloween

Picture 285
Originally uploaded by Mike Wish
My beagle Sasha decided to show off her wild side for Halloween. What do you think of her as a blonde?

Sunday, October 28, 2007

3 of us

3 of us
Originally uploaded by Mike Wish
This is one of my favorite pictures of me and my girls. I wish their was more time in the day to spend with them!

Have a great Monday!

Friday, October 26, 2007

Google Tip

I thought I knew most of the cool Google applications. Below is one I read about on the Ask Liz Ryan community blog. The blog and group is about business, finance, careers etc.. You can go directly to the Yahoo newsgroup to subscribe.

I am sure most of you know about it already. Below is the copy about the tip:

The best ever Google Tool:
You can send a text message to googl (46645) to find anything. You put the item in the first line, then the city and state in the second line, and Google will immediately send you text messages back with the info. So, you can look for Sheraton, Denver, CO. Or, you can search for generic items like tow truck, breckenridge, CO and it will send you a listing for the address and phone number of all of them in the area! They don't charge you, so it will cost like a regular text message! It is the best.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Things I just don't understand

For obvious reasons I have had some extra time on my hands. During these times recently I was pondering about some things in the world that I will never understand. Below are just a few I can think of right now. If you have any please add them.

  1. Why don't we have better candidates running for President? Really is Hillary, Obama, and Rudy the best this Country has to offer? I am just not thrilled with any of the candidates who are throwing their hats into the ring. I can't be the only one who feels this way? I am sure the people who aspire to be the next president are all smart and want what is best for this Country. It's just I am not impressed with any of them. I suppose it must be coming from the recent job interviews I have had. During a job interview the potential employee should attempt to portray a professional individual who can immediately add value for the Employer. When listening to these candidates I don't hear anything on how they can benefit myself or my country. Maybe I am just not listening?
  2. I am not a Yankees fan. I repeat I am not a Yankees Fan. I am a Philadelphia Phillies fan and very proud of the year they had. Even though I am not a Yankee supporter I even know that Joe Torre received a raw deal from the Yankee brass. You just are not going to find a classier more professional person to represent an organization or baseball in general. Don't get me wrong I don't feel sorry for him. He had a great run with the Yanks. He just should of been treated so much better.
  3. Why can't the US mint print more money? If we could make sure the money would go to the poor then why not print some more bills? Its not like Robin Hood. No one is robbing from one to give to another. I am sure their is a very logical reason for why this can't be done. I just don't know the answer. It just made me think this morning with all the areas in this country impacted from catastrophes that range from Hurricanes to the recent fires on the west coast. If an individual can't support his or her family then why not print some money and give it to them? Maybe then I could disprove my parents and show them money does grow on trees. I suppose this whole idea is to Star Trekish for most. In Star Trek the only form of currency was the barter system. They searched the galaxies for knowledge and to boldly go where no man has gone before. I guess if they did do it for money Captain Kirk would have stayed with the green hottie on Mars. I heard she came from a wealthy family. Or was she blue?

Remember to make good decisions!

Mike Wish

Monday, October 15, 2007

Elevator Speech

A recruiter asked me today what is my elevator speech? I have one ready to go when called upon. It is a great skill to polish up on especially if you are a job hunter.

BTW why do I have to be a job hunter? I don't even like guns. I rather call myself job challenged or job browsing. Even if I hunt for a job and catch it or kill it do I get the job? Maybe I don't want the job? Or maybe the job doesn't want me?

Ok back to reality. For those of you who don't know an elevator speech it is a short (15-30 second, 150 word) sound bite that succinctly and memorably introduces you. It spotlights your uniqueness. It focuses on the benefits you provide. And it is delivered effortlessly. Usually in the time it takes for a 30 second elevator ride. The elevator speech started as the elevator pitch. In most cases for entrepreneurs speaking to a potential investor on a new idea or maybe scheme.

So what is your elevator speech? Here are some great resources:

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Follow me on Twitter

Twitter is a great way to see what your friends are up too. It's kind of like a mini blog in a way. Give it a try and sign up.

Follow me on Twitter

Friday, October 05, 2007

My Resume

Click below to view my resume online.

Michael's Resume

Monday, October 01, 2007

An Update on Michael

The job hunt has started to pick up. The months of July and August were pretty much dead. In the month of September I have received some interest in possible opportunities. I am hoping something comes through soon. I am firm believer that things happen for a reason. The time at home has allowed me to spend a lot of time with the girls. It really does so much for my soul to spend quality time with them. I have been able to walk with Jessie from the bus stop and talk about her day at school. I have also been able to spend time with Rachel. The best part is taking her for a car ride in the afternoon until she falls asleep. Her favorite CD is MAMA MIA on Broadway. She is usually out by track three.

So as much as I have love spending time at home I would like to get back into the work place. On Friday I tried a new service called Resume Rabbit. For the low low price of $49.95 the service will automatically post my resume to over 50 sites. Below are the sites I am posted at. I am also doing my best to be creative with social networking sites like Linkedin and Plaxo. If anyone has any other suggestions on recruiters or job sites or anything else I have not thought of I would be happy to hear from you.

Remember to make good decisions!

Mike Wish

Job Sites

American Preferred

Bakos Group

Career Exposure

Career Shop





Horizon Career

Hot Jobs

Job Bank USA











The Talent Bank

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

I love my little sister


This is Jessica adding another entry to my Dad's blog. This is a picture of me and my baby sister Rachel. I love her a lot! She is the best sister in the world. I have fun playing with her every single day. People who have baby brothers or sisters should take care of them.



Thursday, September 13, 2007

Shana tova

Today is Rosh Hashanah. To all my family and friends I wish you a sweet and happy New Year. On Rosh Hashanah's each person takes a piece of apple, dips it into honey, then offers up a prayer in hope of a sweet new year.

The Jewish New Year (5768), Rosh Hoshanna, began at Sundown last night. The proper greeting is Shana Tova. Emphasis on the final syllables. Shana means year, Tova is Hebrew for good. May we all have a Shana Tova!

Remember to make good decision!

Mike Wish

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

What is focus?

I thought this was very humorous! For me it sends a clear message on what it means to focus on a task or project. Sometimes you just need to stick to your guns and listen to the voices inside.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Hi this is Jessica adding an entry to my Dad's blog. I want to share with you a picture of me and my best friend Emily. I am the girl on the left and Emily is on the right. This picture was taken at Club Libby Lu in the Menlo Park Mall. We had plenty of fun that day picking out pretty clothes and styling our hair. After we played we went for ice cream at Cold Stone Creamery. It is one of my favorite places to eat ice cream because they mash up the ice cream right in front of you. I like the peanut butter cup with Vanilla ice cream. Its good to have a friends and always be nice to them and never let them down! My Daddy let me type all this by myself. Please leave me a comment and let me know what you think?



Monday, August 27, 2007

Proud Father

I was a very proud Dad yesterday. My oldest daughter decided on her own to donate 7 inches of her hair to the locks of love organization. It is great non profit group that donates hair to children who suffer hair loss from Chemotherapy or other miscellaneous illness. If you have not done so I encourage you to check out the link. I thought it was a very mature and thoughtful decison made by an 8 year old child. I was a bit skeptical about Jess losing her long hair, but when you saw how proud she was of herself with a smile from ear to ear the length of her hair didn't seem to matter.

Great job Jessica!



Sunday, August 19, 2007

It was a rainy day

It was a rainy day in New Jersey today. In order to kill some time I watched Happy Feet with the girls. It is one of the better kids movies. The problem is when I see the movie I get the Stevie Wonder song - I Wish stuck in my head. Stevie WonderI Wish

In honor of the song I have added the lyrics below in hope that this great song gets stuck in your head as well.

Happy Feet Soundtrack- Stevie Wonder - I Wish
Stevie Wonder
Lookin back on when I, was a little nappy headed boy,
Then my only worry, was for Christmas what would be my toy,
Even though we sometimes, would not get a thing,
We were happy with the, joy that they would bring,

Sneakin out the back door to hang out with those hoodlum friends of mine
Greeted at the back door with "I thought I told you not to go outside",
Tryin the best to bring that water to your eye
Thinkin it might stop her from whuppin your behind

I wish those days, could , come back once more
Why did those days ever have to go
I wish those days, could, come back once more
Why did those days ever have to go, cause I loved 'em so...

Brother says hes tellin, bout you playin doctor with that girl
Just don't tell Ill give you, anything you want in this whole wide
Mama gives you money, for Sunday school
You trade yours for candy, after chuch is through

Smokin cigarettes and writin somethin nasty on the wall
Teacher sends you to the principle office down the hall
You grow up and learn that kind of thing aint right
But while you were doin it, it sure felt outta sight

I wish those days, could, come back once more
Why did those days ev-er have to go
I wish those days, could, come back once more
Why did those days ev-er have to go, cause I loved em so.......

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Sasha rides the short bus.

Sasha rides the short bus.
Originally uploaded by Mike Wish
We love Sasha, but she isn't the sharpest tool in the shed. She is scared of her own shadow. This is a picture of Sasha after she decided rolling in the mud would be fun!

Monday, August 06, 2007

All my links

In effort to consolidate all my links I have listed them below. As I look at all these URL's the only thing i can think of is clutter. Or better yet web clutter! Most likely I will add them all on the right side of my blog. I know claim ID is supposed to centralize these URLs for me. I want to create a web site that decribes who I am on the web. I think in the future something better needs to come along. All these links are my presence on the world wide web. The problem is they are scattered across the internet.

  1. My Blog -
  2. Linkedin -
  3. My Resume -
  4. Flickr Photos -
  5. Facebook - Sign up and then search for me.
  6. ClaimID -
  7. Jaiku -
  8. Jobster -
  9. Tumblr -
  10. Twitter -

Sunday, July 29, 2007


I have been using a great FireFox extension called ScribeFire to do many of my blogging. It is a great utility to have for any blogger. It allows me to write to my blog directly from any web site. It is fast and saves plenty of time. I don't have to log into my blog to add an entry. The link is below if you want to kick the tires and give it a try.

ScribeFire :: Firefox Add-ons

Mike Wish

Powered by ScribeFire.

Monday, July 23, 2007

what I learned

I was thinking recently of some of the things I learned the last ten years as a Customer Service and Technical Support Director. Their are so many lessons learned that I can think of. You know the one item that you just can't replace is experience. I can't tell you how many times that in order to make a business or support decision I had to simply go with my gut. Their were situations when I could NOT extract the numbers from the CRM or other data to back up a hypothesis. I would confer with fellow colleagues for input when it was an option and then research industry standards. When some or none of these options were available it was really reaching back to my past experience and going with my gut or instincts. I would often have a running joke with one of my managers that my Spidey senses are tingling. I couldn't get the information I wanted from the numbers, but I just had this feeling in my gut that something was not right. It would usually happen before a big problem occurred.

As I stated my experience has taught me so much over the last ten years. Here are the three principles I will always carry with me.
  1. Empathize - Empathy is one of the most critical skills a customer service, technical support, call center agent can have. Empathy is very different then sympathy. To empathize with another is to put yourself in the individuals shoes. An example is I understand Mr. Doe this problem is causing you not to be able to finish your project.
  2. Knowledge - The next item is the product or technical knowledge you posses. You are not going to add value to the customer unless you can help them. The customer is looking for quick answers and if the knowledge is lacking it will only cause more frustration. The last thing a customer wants to hear is that you have to pass them to another rep because you don't know the answer to a question
  3. Professionalism - To me professionalism is taking ownership of the customers problem. Communicating to the customer they are in good hands with you and you will resolve the problem. This makes the customer feel you are their advocate and you are fighting for the customers needs. Some people may call this account management. I prefer to label this as great professional service. No one calls a call center to let them know everything is great with the products they are using. If they are to call it is a good feeling to know the other person on the end of the telephone, IM, email will be able to assist them with the problem or issue of the day.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Simpsons and other stuff

In honor of the Simpsons movie coming out this weekend here is 101 Simpson quotes.
101 Greatest Simpsons QuotesThe Homer quotes are my favorite.

Homer: Oh, so they have Internet on computers now!

I really hope you don't think I am going to blog about serious topics going on in the world right now. And currently the only thing I am concerned about with the DJ sale is when should I cash out my stock? I am unemployed and enjoying spending time with the kiddies. Its a Wiggles World and we are all just eating our fruit salad and trying to get by!

Powered by ScribeFire.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Play it again Sam

Who says lightening doesn't strike twice? In less then six months I was laid off again by Dow Jones. The first lay off was January 9th. The second one was last week July 9th. As I said when it happen the first time in January working at Dow Jones has been a great experience. I made plenty of life long friends. My second go around at Dow allowed me to meet new people and make even more friends. Although I only worked with the Dow Jones Customer Service Team a short time I was lucky enough to work with some great hard working people.

I am now back on the job market. If you know anyone who needs an experienced Customer Service/Call Center/Technical Support Director let me know. Here is my resume.

Maybe its time to start my professional poker career!

Remember to make good decisions.

Mike Wish

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

I bought my name

In a bold move I have purchased the domain name for You can also use this link to get to my blog. Maybe in the future the site will become more and not just a blog.

In any case stay out of the heat and drink plenty of water.


Saturday, July 07, 2007

Sorry you call us to much

Sprint is dropping the customers that call Customer Service to much. So they are basically saying sorry we don't want your business go to AT&T. I wonder who is person who thought of this idea? Do they still have a job. Check out the letter below.

One Way Contract: Sprint Drops You Because You Call Customer Service Too Much - Consumerist

Powered by ScribeFire.

Friday, July 06, 2007

Code Monkey

I love this song Code Monkey. I heard it a few months ago and thought it was great. Check out the video that was just made for the song. It is real good. Here are the lyrics and the site. It is from an artist named Jonathan Coulton.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

New WSJ Online Auto Page

Auto News - Consumer Auto News - Car News -

The Wall Street Journal Online announced a new Auto Page on The page contains the latest news for automobiles and the car industry. The site has buying tools, ratings and great articles and blogs.

The Auto Page is open to everyone. Click here - Auto Page

Powered by ScribeFire.

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Check out Wufoo

Free HTML Form Builder - Create Forms, Surveys and Invitations

Do you need to create a quick form? Planning a wedding, poker game, or want to create job application. Then check out Wufoo. The best part it is quick and easy to use. You can build up to three forms for free. The forms can be used as its own page or you can add it to your web site or blog.

Check out the Templates for some cool ideas.

Remember to make good decisions!


Powered by ScribeFire.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

What is Web 2.0

What is Web 2.0 to you? I suppose it is a trick question. Web 2.0 can be almost anything you want it to be. For me Web 2.0 is about knowledge sharing and collaberation. Working with friends or co workers from around the world to achieve a common goal. So why blog about Web 2.0? At the Web 2.0 expo that I didn't attend one of giveaways was a shirt that asked the question -- What is Web 2.0. One of my co workers attended the expo and wrote about it on her blog

Also you can check out what other people are saying about Web 2.0 by checking out the pics on Flickr.

Remember to make good decisions!


Powered by ScribeFire.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Google will sell ads on Clear Channel -

Google will sell ads on Clear Channel -

I love Google as much as the next geek, but do I need to hear radio ads from them on the FM dial? Thank goodness I mostly listen to podcasts and XM Radio! Where does the Google empire end? Or the better question is when will the Google empire end?

From the article it states - Clear Channel said it has agreed for Google to sell a guaranteed
portion of the 30-second spots available on its 675 radio stations in
top U.S. markets, in a bid to expand the universe of local radio
advertisers to Google's online buyers.

I realize Google is branching out into other media outlets. I wouldn't be surprised if we see a Google Channel on our Cable and Dish providers. As I said I am a fan of Google, but when is it enough? What about working on enhancing my Internet experience. Google can work on the My Google page. Their are others that handle RSS feeds much better like Yahoo and Vibe. Although Yahoo hasn't change the page in years. What about changing the UI in gmail. I really don't like it. I do like the amount of space you get, but the interface is clunky to me. I moved my email back to Yahoo. I like the Outlook look and feel much better.

Ok now I am off my soap box. Remember to make good decisions!


Powered by ScribeFire.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Is this useful?

I came across this website. I am not sure if it is a real useful tool or not? What caught my attention was the clever way the word schmuck was added to describe the benefit of the site. Click the link below to check it out. I will download it eventually to see how it works.

Schmap Local - Save addresses and phone numbers as you browse the web

Powered by ScribeFire.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

1000 visitors to Wishnick World

I officially had my one thousandth visitors to my Blog today. I am sorry to report no special prizes are given away. Ok so one thousand pales in comparison to other web site and blogs. Some sites get a thousand hits in an hour. But I don't care! This is 1000 new visitors to my site. Not to be confused with page views which is around 1400.

Also I added my resume online. If you click on the Hotjobs icon on the right it will appear.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

mobile web

The Wall Street Journal has an article about the mobile web. The mobile web is web sites that use the suffix .mobi to get to a web site. Think about the more mainstream web sites that end in .com, .net, .tv, and .org and replace with .mobi. The benefit to dotmobi is that it makes the traditional web site compatible for browsing from a mobile phone.

You can lear more about dotmobi technology by visiting the Wiki Article.

You can also see if your website is mobile compatible by going to

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Hi Everyone

Its been a while since I added a post to the blog. I have been focusing on the new job and family. Some months are busier then others. The job is going well. I will post more about it later. The team I am working with are a great bunch of people.

I came across a few sites I want to share with you.

  1. - It is 4 guys who do live video blogging 24 x 7. It reminds me of the Truman show.
  2. 101 shareware and freeware - It is a great list of anything you can think of. Browsers, email and most important security software. Go check it out

Remember to make good decisions!

Mike Wish

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Back in the Family

It has been a crazy few months to say the least. I was recently asked to come back to the Dow Jones Family. An opening became available for a Technical Support Manager for the Wall Street Journal Online, Barrons, and Market Watch. It is a little different then what I was doing before for Dow Jones/Factiva. I am now apart of the Consumer Media Group of Dow Jones. The good news I was able to keep my date of hire, 401K, and health benefits. Since the move happened before my package ended it is treated as a job transfer from the Enterprise Media Group to the Consumer Media Group. The group handles second level Technical Support calls from Customer Service. It is very similar role to what I did as Director Global Technical Support at Factiva.

Thanks again to everyone for the support during the last few months. Many of you said that these things happen for a reason and the problem will work itself out. As you can see that is what exactly happen. I had the choice of going back to Dow Jones or accepting an offer at a Company in NY for more money. After discussing it with Jennifer I decided the best move would be to come back. After caculating NYC taxes, train fare, and most important time away from the family it just wasn't worth it.

Wish me luck in the new position! It is sure weird to be back in the Princeton Office.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Wall Street Journal Video Site

I recently read on that the Wall Street Journal Online has made available videos from the Wall Street Journal Site. Here is a snippet from the article.
Dow Jones, the publishers of The Wall Street Journal, Marketwatch and Barron's, has provided the public with the ability to take the embedded code from video clips on the Wall Street Journal site. To view the videos, you don't need to subscribe to the WSJ. You can grab this code by simply pressing the "get code" button on the player. Below is a great interview with the founder of wikipedia and how wiki is growing into doing wiki type searches in Google, Yahoo etc..

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Try Twitter


I have been using Twitter and thought you may enjoy it. Twitter asks one simple question. What are you doing?

Click here to get started: TWITTER

Or, check out my Twitter profile:
Twitter Profile


Thursday, February 01, 2007

I am not alone

It looks like I am not alone on the dilemma of purchasing a laptop with Vista this week. See my post below from yesterday.

Robin Raskin from Yahoo also asks a similar question. In her tech article she has narrowed down the choice between a Dell or an HP. Can you come up with a better choice? I am still searching.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Urgent Response needed

I am thinking about purchasing a laptop this week with Vista installed. I hate to buy anything that is version 1.0. What does everyone think? Should I buy this week? I found plenty of good deals.

I was going to buy something here from BestBuy.

Friday, January 26, 2007

I had a blast!

The birthday dinner last Saturday in Atlantic City was blast! I wanted to post about sooner, but my new boss at home is real tough. I get a lot of "honey do" lists from her. You know honey do this and honey do that. All 17 people showed up at the Knife and Fork inn. I was so impressed by the place. They even gave us our own room which I did not expect. I recommend the place highly. Ask for Ellen and she will take care of everything. Jennifer made a beatiful toast to me. It is something I will remember for ever. I couldnt ask for a better 40th birthday. Then afterwards most of went to the Hitlon to gamble. I went off with a few others to play in the poker tournament. I got knocked out shortly after the first break. Paul and Leslie who were also playing with me made it to the final table. Not bad considering the tournament had 53 players. Also a few of the ladies hit it very big on the slots. The amounts were $700, $800, and $1600. Jennifer and I didnt get home until 7 am. I cant believe we stayed out the whole night. All in all it was great night!

Friday, January 19, 2007

It was a great day!

Today was a great day! On January 19th 1967 Beverly L Wishnick gave birth to me. Her oldest son Michael. If you do the calculations that makes me the big 40 today. I really can't believe that I am 40. Jennifer and the girls made the day very special. Jenn and Jess picked out a special cake and I blew out the candles. It was real nice just to take it easy today and be with family.

Tommorrow I am heading down to Atlantic City. We have reservations at the Knife and Fork INN next to the Hilton Casino at 7pm. I never been to the place, but I heard it was very nice. There is 17 family and friends coming to dinner. It should be fun. Then afterwards it is over to the Hilton to play some poker.

Last I want to say a big thank you to the tremendous amount of emails I received after I was laid off from Dow Jones. The support that all of you gave me was overwhelming and very touching. I am truly blessed to have such wonderful friends and family. Thank you to everyone who made a very difficult situation a whole lot better. As I said in my previous post --- The time I spent at Factiva was a wonderful experience. I learned so much from all the amazing people in the Company. I will always look back at my time with Factiva with very fond memories. Life is way to short to be angry or bitter. It is such a waste of energy. When I look into both my daughters eyes you really start to understand what is important in life. Careers or jobs will come and go, but your loved ones will get you through the most difficult times.

So wish me luck tomorrow at the Poker Tables. If you area in the please stop on bye.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Sad Day

Today I finally was voted off the Factiva/Dow Jones Island. You may recall in a few posts down below I briefly discussed that Dow Jones bought our Reuters half in Factiva. I also mentioned how excited I was to be 100% part of the Dow Jones Family. Well it turns out they were not as excited as I was. Today I was let go with about 60 - 100 other people. I can't say I was shocked. In every re org people are made redundant. And as good friend reminded me today that my position was made redundant not me. Also I have been through this many times with Factiva. I have learned all the signs. In the past I would know who unfortunately was being released and when. I was the one that would help pack up the desk and take back the PC equipment and anything else. I started to realize last week that this time around my chances were not good. The answers I was receiving to my questions about my role in the lay offs were extremely vague. I have become very good at knowing when people are trying to cover things up.
So I do leave with plenty of sadness. I loved my job. I love Factiva. Most important I love the people I worked with. I am so much a better person for working with the passionate talented people that surrounded me. Eight years ago I accepted the job at Factiva because the Technical Support Department was in ruins. They had a mass exodus in the department and 10 employees left for other jobs. I took the position because their was no place to go but up. I hired 10 new employees in two weeks time and had the department trained and ready to go live 4 weeks later.
Now I close one chapter and begin another. I am not sure what the future will hold, but I do know that the eight years I spent at Factiva was a wonderful experience and as I said above I am much better person because of it.

Monday, January 08, 2007

What Superhero are you?

I took this Superhero quiz. I was hoping to be Superman or Spiderman. Give it a try and see what Superhero you are? The world needs more heros!

Your results:
You are Green Lantern

Green Lantern
The Flash
Wonder Woman
Iron Man
Hot-headed. You have strong
will power and a good imagination.

Click here to take the Superhero Personality Quiz

Wednesday, January 03, 2007


I know this is childish humor, but since I have a baby the same age I find this hysterical.