Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Sad Day

Today I finally was voted off the Factiva/Dow Jones Island. You may recall in a few posts down below I briefly discussed that Dow Jones bought our Reuters half in Factiva. I also mentioned how excited I was to be 100% part of the Dow Jones Family. Well it turns out they were not as excited as I was. Today I was let go with about 60 - 100 other people. I can't say I was shocked. In every re org people are made redundant. And as good friend reminded me today that my position was made redundant not me. Also I have been through this many times with Factiva. I have learned all the signs. In the past I would know who unfortunately was being released and when. I was the one that would help pack up the desk and take back the PC equipment and anything else. I started to realize last week that this time around my chances were not good. The answers I was receiving to my questions about my role in the lay offs were extremely vague. I have become very good at knowing when people are trying to cover things up.
So I do leave with plenty of sadness. I loved my job. I love Factiva. Most important I love the people I worked with. I am so much a better person for working with the passionate talented people that surrounded me. Eight years ago I accepted the job at Factiva because the Technical Support Department was in ruins. They had a mass exodus in the department and 10 employees left for other jobs. I took the position because their was no place to go but up. I hired 10 new employees in two weeks time and had the department trained and ready to go live 4 weeks later.
Now I close one chapter and begin another. I am not sure what the future will hold, but I do know that the eight years I spent at Factiva was a wonderful experience and as I said above I am much better person because of it.


Glenn Fannick said...

I wish you the best of luck. A loss for Factiva / Dow Jones. I must compliment you on the most professional of posts at what must be a very difficult time. It speaks volumes of you.

Unknown said...

Thanks Glen for the kind words. I wish you much success at Dow Jones. Perhaps one day our roads my cross again. In the mean time I will continual to read your great blog!

Unknown said...

Betsy I am sorry to hear about you and Colleen. You guys did an amazing job in the DC office! I know how you feel about the timing with your birthday. My 40th is next week. I am looking foward to starting a new chapter. If you need anything please let me know.


Anonymous said...

Dear Mike,
Factiva/Dow Jones, lost one of their best employees. Its on too bigger and better. One door closes and another one opens up. I of all people no what you are going through. As you know I have been there and done that.
You are my best oldest son.
Love Mom