Thursday, November 30, 2006

Tale of the tape

CNET has written an article that gives a round by round comparison to Microsoft IE 7 v. Mozilla Firefox 2. If you click through my archive you will see my views already on the two browsers. I am huge FireFox fan for reasons that range from security to simplicity of use. Now you can read what CNET says about the two browsers. The article is here CNET Browser Review.

Saturday, November 25, 2006


I made some changes to the blog. First and most obvious is the Template. Second is I changed the about me section. Factiva is now owned by Dow Jones. It is no longer a joint venture between Dow Jones and Reuters. It will be official on Jan 1st. You can read more about by doing an internet search. Here is one of many articles --- Click Here

Also with this new template the Wishnick Family Photos are not appearing. I will look at that later.

Walmart group

I am not sure if this changes where you shop this holiday season? This is a blog about an organization against Walmart. The site is called Wakeup Wal-Mart. I think it is interesting what they stand for. I admire how they are looking out for the worker so Walmart does not take advantage of them. I do admit they have an uphill battle. Read the blog and decide for yourself.