Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Idol tonight

I think American Idol has great talent this year. It is far better then the 2010 cast. I like the commentary from JLO. She seems to feel more comfortable as a judge and is starting to hit her stride. You know you are in trouble when she starts out with you look beautiful tonight. Paula would do the same thing. Then comes the criticism. Nothing to harsh and she has been correct so far. I am not sure about Steven Tyler's role besides comic relief. Doesn't seem to be adding much of anything. I get the feeling he doesn't want to be there. I think it's one year for him and done. Maybe I am wrong. I would love to see him do some vintage Arrow Smith songs. I hope he does before the season ends. The season is going to come down to Jacob, Casey, Pia, and Lauren. They seem to be the most popular.

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

obvious statement

C Sheen should get his own reality show. I am sure it is in the works already. Many people would be glued to the TV. Or just do what he did already and continue broadcasting live on U-Stream. Then sell AD space for top dollar. In a perfect world he would hit rock bottom and lose everything. What will happen is he will get resigned by another network and have a another show with a huge come back. Then appear on Oprah before her season ends and explain his actions.

- Mike

Monday, March 07, 2011


You know when mobile technology is influencing my brain when every time I think of an idea my first thought is an app should be built for that. I should be able to purchase a lottery ticket through an app. Then send me the ticket in an email attachment. Maybe one is done already?

Sunday, March 06, 2011

Simple steps for Customer Service

I wonder why other companies don't take a page out of the Zappos play book of giving Customer Service. It is amazing to me that so many so called cutting edge organizations are behind the times when it comes to Customer Service and Social Media. These items below should be mandatory for every Customer Support organization.

1. Create a Support Twitter account. Update at the beginning of every shift with the person who is monitoring the account. For example Hi this Mike I look forward to speaking with you all today.

2. Create a Facebook page with a like button. It is simple HTML that can be added to any existing page. When someone likes your page it goes viral. Then more people will like it. Use the discussion board on the FB page. Open it up to conversation. Get ideas from your customers and respond to them.

3. Monitor Twitter, blogs, and the internet on what is being said about your company. If you can't invest in these tools then at minimum create a google alert or use Tweet Deck. If you can then invest in any numerous amount of tools that will crawl the internet and integrate into your CRM. Sales Force has a few open API's that will integrate.

This is just a few ideas off the top of my cerebral. What more do you have?
